V-Armed staff has worked closely with The NYPD’s Counterterrorism Division, Training Section to design and deliver VR programs that center on immediate and effective response to active shooter and terrorism-related incidents. Using both our mobile and permanent, in-studio platform, NYPD CTD has trained tactical and patrol officers to respond to incidents using custom-built, VR environments like the World Trade Center pavilion and New York City Subway. Future module creation includes incident command training for first-line supervisors and Close Quarter Principles and Tactics for Patrol Officers.
Our Partners
V-Armed is proud to partner with police departments and government agencies around the world.
New York City Police Department (NYPD)
Active Shooter and Terrorism VR Scenarios
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)
Mental Health, Person-In-Crisis, and De-Escalation Training
Training Bureau subject matter experts (SMEs) worked closely with V-Armed designers to build awareness and performance-based training modules for patrol personnel that focuses on person-in-crisis intervention and incident de-escalation. Through the LAPD’s permanently installed system, Mental Health Intervention Unit (MHIT) personnel currently deliver more immersive, mental health intervention training. They work daily with in-service and neighboring officers alongside the country’s first-ever agency-specific Virtual Reality Training Unit (LAPD VRTU). Future development includes mass violence interdiction, mobile field force, and high-risk vehicle interdiction modules.
National Center for Biomedical Research and Training, Academy of Counterterrorism Education, Louisiana State University
Active Shooter Response and Incident Management
LSU NCBRT/ACE is the lead training provider for the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC), the Department of Homeland Security’s entity responsible for developing and delivering specialty training to all state and local first responders in the United States. NCBRT provides national and international mobile training to both the domestic and international emergency response community. They focus on law enforcement training for active shooter, Complex Coordinated Attack (CCA), WMD and HazMat, biological awareness and incident management, and food and agriculture terrorism scenarios. LSU has been instrumental in designing V-Armed’s active shooter response and incident management module as well as our awareness module that demonstrates indicators of a clandestine WMD laboratory. LSU NCBRT/ACE has utilized the V-Armed system in-studio and mobile deliveries to jurisdictions in the Seattle area, Washington DC, New York, and California.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL),
Battelle Memorial Institute
Domestic Radiation Detection and Security Training
PNNL, in conjunction with the Office of Radiological Security (ORS) has contracted V-Armed to construct and deliver training vital to the detection and security of domestic radiation threats. ORS efforts are focused on the first line of defense, namely securing, removing, or reducing the use of vulnerable radiological material at the source. Operated by Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is the contracted agent on behalf of ORS.

Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC),
New Mexico Tech University
Explosive and Energetic Material Training Module
As a member of the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium, the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC) is a major research and training division of New Mexico Tech. They are internationally recognized and have over 60 years of experience in explosives research and testing. EMRTC specializes in the research, development, testing, and analysis of energetic materials for first responders and military clients. Through close partnership with their SMEs, V-Armed is creating an explosive and energetic material module that focuses on first responder awareness of explosives, terrorist bombings, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and vehicle-born improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs).
Mexico City Police Department, Mexico
VR Training for 80k Officers
Mexico City Police Department (Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City (SCC)) has partnered with V-Armed to deliver recruit and in-service training to nearly 80k officers assigned to Mexico City. Through the construction of a dedicated virtual reality training facility (Centro De Entrenamiento De Realidad Virtual) located on their Police Academy Campus, SSC Academy staff will deliver training at all levels to new and existing patrol and specialized police units.

VARJO Head Mounted Displays
The world's most advanced virtual and mixed reality.
Varjo makes the highest-immersion virtual and mixed reality products for advanced VR users. Their solutions are used to train astronauts, pilots, and nuclear power plant operators, design cars, and conduct pioneering research. V-Armed has partnered with Varjo to support their headsets in a variety of our applications, like first person video for drone simulations.
Find V-Armed on Varjo.com